Talk:Causes of death

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Revision as of 22:55, May 15, 2023 by Notjusttired (talk | contribs) (→‎Edits moved -- ~~~~: new section)
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Edits moved -- ~Njt (talk) 22:55, May 15, 2023 (UTC)[edit source | reply | new]

Recent reverted edit text, which may belong on Life expectancy, but it not referenced neutrally enough (lack of evidence to support ME/CFS being a direct cause of death). ~Njt (talk) 22:55, May 15, 2023 (UTC)
Deaths from ME/CFS are not rare at all, in fact findings suggest that during a recent study ME/CFS patients are at a significantly increased risk of earlier all-cause death (M = 55.9 years), compared to the general population [M = 73.5 (all-cause), a 17.6 year Life Expectancy reduction makes it obvious that many ME/CFS Suffers are dying at a much younger age than they should be.
ME/CFS also had a directionally lower mean age of death for Cardiovascular Related Issues (M = 58.8 years), Cancer (M =66.3 years) compared to the overall U.S. population, 77.7 (Cardiovascular) and  71.1 (Cancer) years of age]. Considering that so many ME/CFS Suffers are dying at earlier rates of Cancer and Cardiovascular Complications, it would be rather obvious that many ME/CFS Deaths would be wrongly labeled as Cardiovascular Complications or Cancer Deaths instead of as ME/CFS on the Death Certificate then.
There is also the consideration that for adult ME/CFS patients referred to clinics, there is a diagnostic error rate as high as 40% for ME/CFS. Many people with ME/CFS even go decades without ever properly being diagnosed with ME/CFS, so we obliviously have a case where people are dying prematurely, but the proper Disease in ME/CFS isn’t being recorded as the cause of Death, as it may not even be known at all.