Andrew Williams

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Andrew Williams was a 23-year-old young man who died in 2019 after developing severe ME/CFS as a teenager.[1] He was a genetics student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK, and had a brilliant scientific mind.

PhD Funding Award[edit | edit source]

The UK charity ME Research UK have since funded a PHD candidate at the University of Edinburgh in memory of Andrew Williams. The candidate, Gemma Samms, is working under Professor Chris Ponting with data from the Decode ME Biobank to examine genetic anomalies and investigate which dysfunctional genes are most likely to contribute to the risk of ME/CFS.[1]

Illness[edit | edit source]

Andrew became ill with ME/CFS during his second year at university, which forced him to leave his studies and return home to live with his parents at the end of his third year. Despite his illness and inability to complete his fourth and final year of study, his work was of such a high standard that he was still able to be awarded his degree, although his illness had progressed too far to allow him to attend his graduation. His ME/CFS became increasingly severe, and he died in 2019.[2]

See also[edit | edit source]

Learn more[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Investing in the future" (PDF). Breakthrough: 11–12. Spring 2022. Archived from the original on April 4, 2022.
  2. "Experimental investigation of genetic risk factors for ME/CFS revealed by the DecodeME project". ME Research UK. Retrieved August 12, 2023.

Category:Deceased people with ME, CFS, and/or FMS