
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
Revision as of 10:15, August 6, 2019 by Sigridjones (talk | contribs)
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Myalgic Encephal­omyel­itis.

Sigrid Jones, Vienna, Austria

Currently working on[edit | edit source]

Working on contributions in German for MEpedia, with a focus on information that is relevant to people in German speaking countries - Austria, Germany, Switzerland.

  • My first project is to compile a Glossary Glossary/de. I am focussing on terms that are relevant to German readers, who need basic information.

At this point I am not including terms that are only relevant for those interested in depth research, medical discourses, the ME/CFS history and various controversies. As these discussions mostly take part in the English speaking world, the specialist terminology is only of interest to people, who can follow these English language discourses or papers anyway.
