Clinician's Guide To Controversial Illnesses: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

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Clinician's Guide To Controversial Illnesses: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
A Clinician's Guide to Controversial Illnesses.png
Author Renee R. Taylor, Fred Friedberg, and Leonard A. Jason
Country United States
Language English
Subject Medical
Genre Clinical Assessment & Treatment
Publisher Professional Resource Press
Publication date
Media type print
Pages 192
ISBN 978-1568870687

Clinician's Guide To Controversial Illnesses: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities is a book written by Renee R. Taylor, Fred Friedberg, and Leonard A. Jason for the medical community.

Publisher's synopsis[edit | edit source]

(This synopsis was provided by the publisher for promotional purposes. For book reviews, please see Links section below.)

Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivities are controversial and poorly understood illnesses without clearly defined causes or well-established treatments. These closely related conditions, regarded by many clinicians as the most perplexing health care concerns of this era, are difficult to define, evaluate, and treat. Given the absence of knowledgeable health care and social service providers, individuals with these illnesses are often left without medical support or community resources. Because these enigmatic conditions are associated with both biologic and psychosocial factors, a clinically informed mind/body approach to assessment and treatment may best serve these patients. To address these issues, this book focuses on the authors' recently developed protocols for psychological and behavioral assessment, innovative treatment strategies, and a new form of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Integrating case histories and current research findings, this book provides an important dialogue about the complexities of diagnosing these conditions and associated psychological issues. Finally, the authors outline the controversies regarding causal and perpetuating factors in these conditions, and review the numerous medical and alternative treatment approaches that have been advocated for these illnesses. This book is a useful and informative guide for clinicians who are now seeing these patients in their practices.

Included are numerous case studies, references, and resources, and six informal assessment instruments.[1]

Chapters[edit | edit source]

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Case Definitions, Associated Symptoms, and Prevalence
    • Patient Stigmatization
    • Chapter Previews
  • Chapter 2: Etiology and Perpetuating Factors
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Explanatory Models of Fibromyalgia
    • Explanatory Models of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
    • Models Addressing Psychosocial Aspects of CFS, FMS and MCS
    • Biopsychosocial and Psychoneuroimmunological Models: A Unifying Approach to Understanding CFS, FMS, and MCS
  • Chapter 3: Diagnostic Issues
    • Differential Diagnoses: CFS, FMS, MCS Versus Primary Psychiatric Disorders
    • Case Examples- Pure-Type Conditions
    • Case Examples- CFS, FMS, MCS, and Comorbid Psychiatric Conditions
  • Chapter 4: Psychometric and Behavioral Assessment
    • Evaluation of Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Evaluation of Disability and Quality of Life
    • Evaluating Psychosocial Phases of Illness and Coping
    • Evaluating Stigmatizing Attitudes
    • Assessing Psychiatric Comorbidity in CFS, FMS, and MCS
    • Evaluating Service Utilization in CFS, FMS, and MCS
    • Physical Activity Monitoring in CFS and FMS
  • Chapter 5: Pharmacological and Alternative Treatments
    • Alternative Medical Approaches
    • Patient Ratings of Treatment Efficacy
  • Chapter 6: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment I
    • Case Study I: Illustrating the Integration of Envelope Theory with Cognitive Behavior Therapy
    • Assessment Phase
    • Family History
    • Identifying Goals and Reviewing Psychometric and Activity Data
    • Unique Features
    • The Treatment Process
    • Outcome
  • Chapter 7: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment II
    • The Interactive Symptom-Stress Model
    • Relaxation Training
    • Imaginal Desensitization in MCS
    • Pleasant Mood Induction
    • Cognitive Coping Skills
    • Activity Pacing
    • Social Support
    • Memory Assistance
    • Case Example of CFS Treatment
    • Case Example of FMS Treatment
    • Case Example of MCS Treatment
  • Chapter 8: Summary and Future Directions
  • Appendices
    • Appendix A: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Self-Report Questionnaire
    • Appendix B: CFS Screening Questionnaire
    • Appendix C: Fatigue-Related Cognitions Scale
    • Appendix D: Fennell Phase Inventory
    • Appendix E: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Attitudes Test Questions
    • Appendix F: Behavioral Rating Scales
    • Appendix G: Resources for Individuals With CFS, FMS, and MCS

Reviews[edit | edit source]

"This practitioner's guide covers, succinctly and still comprehensively, the cognitive-behavioral treatment of three debilitating controversial illnesses. It clearly describes the main aspects of these serious conditions and gives valuable multifaceted ways of possibly alleviating them. Remarkably well done!" - Albert Ellis, PhD, Albert Ellis Institute, New York City

"This guide is 'must reading' for those with an interest in the neurobiopsychological aspects of these controversial illnesses, but medical practitioners and patients will reap a great deal also concerning the emotional evaluation of patients, helping patients to cope, and the development of a multidisciplinary approach to these problems. This is the most comprehensive review to date of these complicated and controversial disorders. I highly commend the authors for their work, and highly recommend [this book] to any individual who has an interest in CFS, FMS or MCS." - Charles W. Lapp, MD, Director, Hunter-Hopkins Center, Charlotte, NC; Assistant Consulting Professor of Community and Family Medicine, Duke University Medical Center

"The book intelligently discusses both the medical and psychological aspects of this group of controversial and frustrating illnesses. It thoroughly reviews a wide spectrum of treatments, from mainstream to alternative. The sections on cognitive-behavioral therapy are practical, specific, and state-of-the-art. I highly recommend this book to practitioners who are trying to understand this group of illnesses, in order to help their affected patients." - David C. Klonoff, MD, FACP, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco

"Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FMS), and multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) once thought to be merely forms of malingering or minor psychological disturbances are now recognized as severe disorders with biological, psychological, and social components that profoundly incapacitate millions of Americans. Taylor, Friedberg, and Jason have crafted a scientifically-based but thoroughly readable book that brings together all that is known about the etiology, assessment, and multifaceted treatment of these disorders. Through standard forms, case studies, and a host of other materials, practitioners will learn exactly how to assess these disorders and apply treatment components that fully embrace the biopsychosocial model and psychoneuroimmunology. Empirically-validated and alternative biological and psychological treatments are carefully described and assessed for utility. As a practitioner- or if you are a person or have a friend or relative with one of these disorders- this book is absolutely essential reading." - Richard A. Winett, PhD, Heilig-Meyers Professor of Psychology, Director-Center for Research in Health Behavior, and Director of Clinical Training, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University

"This volume provides a clear, concise, and balanced overview of what we know and don't know about chronic fatigue syndrome and related disorders. [The authors] do an excellent job of melding empirical research and clinical wisdom. The case studies presented throughout the book nicely illustrate the authors' numerous valuable clinical insights. Taylor, Friedberg, and Jason's biopsychosocial approach holistically integrates material from diverse perspectives and points the way toward the types of comprehensive assessment, treatment, and education programs that are needed." - David Glenwick, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Fordham University

Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]